Established in 2010 Raising Up The Youth was first named Teen Club Community, the founder Londi Viccarone started the organization to support Cleveland inner city youth by hosting live talent shows which turned into Rising Star Youth Ministry and in 2013 The Rising Star T.V. show (ages 8-18) began.
Over the years the vision & mission has continued to expand, now in 2022 the ministry will start reaching youth all over the world through this website .
This virtual community of professional adults (support network) and youth (students) will make a positive impact in their own communities around the world and bring glory to God.

Here we are now in 2022. I’ve been a Christian for 13 years, God is good I’m still serving teaching the bible and ministering to the youth in the neighborhood I grew up in Clark/Fulton in Cleveland Ohio. What I’ve learned over the years being a child of God is that God in His timing for his plan will accomplish his purpose for our life, we are to love, trust and obey Him and serve . As we move forward building this site and the future training center I thank God for His grace and what He put on my heart 13 years ago. I do believe he will finish what He started, I needed trained up these past 13 years I thank God for all the Godly people He has brought into my life to bring me to this next step in raising up the youth.
– Provide a national network of safe, engaging, enriching, and educational linked Raising Up The Youth training centers.
– Provide a Raising Up The Youth publication that is consistent throughout Raising Up The Youth network.
– Provide an environment that recognizes, promotes, trains, and showcases youth talents.
– Provide an engaged network including mentors and trained professionals who are interested in impacting talented youth in a positive way that includes leadership, guidance, and direction.
– Provide state of the art trade tools and equipment to utilize, cultivate and empower youth.
– Provide internship opportunities that challenges youth with development interactions.
– Teach, demonstrate, and promote philanthropic responsibility and civic volunteering.
– Create and provide unlimited youth development opportunities.
– Provide youth employment opportunities.
– Encourage, support and promote education, training, and lifelong learning aspiration in youth.
– Provide scholarship opportunities.
– Promote environmental awareness and be environmentally friendly.
– Promote healthy living choices and actions by RUTY Members.
– Teach and produce positive programs that focus on multimedia, arts and culture, entertainment, fashion, and design business related learning .
– Develop, nutrure, and promote elements of character including RUTY ethics, values, and virtues while engaging youth to develop communication skills and self confidence professionally.
– Provide a peer to peer social club that removes negative influences while promoting healthy choices, positive relationships, and productive avenues to resources which will cultivate highly successful young adults, provide a foundation for long term alumni relationships, and make the activities fun and realistic for youth.
Recommended Youth Resources
